Setting the Retail Price in MikesBikes Advanced Retail Price is one of the four main factors that go into determining a good Marketing Mix for your product and...
Forecasting Sales in MikesBikes Advanced In MikesBikes Advanced you will be required to formulate a Sales Forecast for your products, as well as a required...
Product Advertising in MikesBikes Advanced For each of your products you will be required to set an Advertising Budget and allocate this across up to...
Distribution Decisions in MikesBikes Advanced The Distribution screen enables you to set a Retail Margin and provide Extra Support for each of the three distribution...
Product Development in MikesBikes Advanced In Year 2 (after the first rollover) you are given the opportunity to modify the designof your Mountain Bike through...
How to Launch a New Product in MikesBikes Advanced In Year 2 (after the first rollover) you can launch a new product through either the Marketing top menu or...
How Do I Fix Lost Sales in MikesBikes? What are Lost Sales? Lost Sales occur when production was insufficient to meet actual customer demand. The Product Summary report...
How do I Calculate Gross Margin Gross Margin (gross profit) is how much your firm earned this year by makingbikes and selling them. Your firm...
Pricing Strategies in MikesBikes Your Retail Price is the dollar price you direct distributors to sell your products to customers. Retail Price is usually a...
Getting the Promotion Mix right in MikesBikes Advanced What is Promotion Mix? The promotion mix is the combination of marketing activities which create, maintain and increase the demand...