Shares A Share is a small unit of ownership in a company. Shares are owned by Shareholders and the value of a...
Sales Revenue Sales Revenue is the amount of money that your company received for the bikes that you sold this year.
Wholesale Price Wholesale Price is the price charged by your company to your distributors (Bike Shops). Your Retail Price is the dollar...
Retail Price Your Retail Price is the dollar price distributors (Bike Shops) will sell your products to customers at. The distributor receives...
Retail Margin Retail Margin indicates the percentage of a product’s retail price that the retailer (Bike Shops) receives as a commission for...
Warranty Rate Warranty Rate, is the percentage of bikes which have had a warranty claim against them (returned under warranty) for a...
Quality Rating Your product’s Quality Rating is based on how your customers perceive your products. The more defective products that reach customers,...