Adsim Advertising
Principles of Advertising Simulation
AdSim Advertising Simulation provides a platform for instructors to explain and illustrate the core advertising terms and concepts. Students will analyze Market Research and collaborate with each other to create their own Strategic Advertising Plan, while keeping to a fixed budget.
Realistic consumer segments featured in the AdSim Advertising Simulation present students with unique media preferences, shopping behaviours and desirable product attributes which vary over the simulation. Through market reports, videos and other resources students will develop an understating of consumers, the market and their competitors.

Marketing Mix
Expose your students to the marketing mix and encourage them to learn how to reach their customers.

Market Orientation
Help your students develop an understanding of the customer orientated approach to marketing.

Market Research Reports
Identify important information required for students to plan and implement an effective marketing strategy.

Marketing Strategy
Learn the intricacies and implications of developing a marketing strategy.
Recommended For:
- Principles of Advertising
- Integrated Marketing Communications
- Sales Promotion Management
- Advertising Management
- Marketing Management
Case Studies
Hear From Others
Professor Darl Kolb and Andrew Patterson from the University of Auckland share why they love using Smartsims Business Simulations in their courses.
“It is truly a great foundation and a platform for students to learn and develop. It’s come to the point where I really cannot imagine teaching my subject without the simulation. Smartsims’ simulation enables me to do things with my students that I could not accomplish in any other way.”
Follow the Smartsims experience from the perspective of three students as they journey through their course and using a business simulation for the first time.
They start the course excited but understandably nervous about the challenge of a new course. However, by the end of their simulation experience the practical and real-world nature of Smartsims simulations have given these students confidence in their knowledge of the course content and has prepared them to enter the workforce.
Can your simulations be used in face-to-face, online and hybrid courses?
How is the simulation typically implemented?
Standard implementation has the simulation structured in two phases; Single-Player and Multi-Player. Students start with the Single-Player where they compete against a computer opponent and control moving back/forth through decision periods (which we term rollovers).
When you are ready students move onto the Multi-Player phase where they compete against other students in your course (either in teams or individually). Students meet regular scheduled decision deadlines at times determined by you.
How long is the simulation?
Does the simulation have a graded component?
What level of support is offered to faculty and students?
“The service and support from Smartsims has been absolutely exceptional - and I say this as a former Customer Service VP” – Dan, Madison College
How can I as the instructor monitor student activity and results?
What is required to setup the simulation?
What are the device requirements to run your simulations?
How is the simulation priced and what are the payment options?
Contact us for a quote.