Professor Darl Kolb

How Business Simulations Solve Problems with the Modern Classroom

Traditional methods of teaching via pure theory have dominated the educational landscape for generations, but technological advancements have disrupted not just how we do things, but also how we process information and learn. That is, there are now significant drawbacks of traditional teaching methods negatively affecting students’ learning. Identifiable limitations of traditional/theory based education include: … Continue reading How Business Simulations Solve Problems with the Modern Classroom

Image displaying the question "How do i maximize my total marketing contribution?"

Music2Go Tip: Improving Total Marketing Contribution

Landing on this page means you have come searching for answers to the question: “How do I maximize my total marketing contribution?”  To answer this we first need to establish an understanding of what Total Marketing Contribution is and why it is important. What is Total Marketing Contribution? Why is it important?  Total Marketing Contribution is typically … Continue reading Music2Go Tip: Improving Total Marketing Contribution

How to Design a Business Course around MikesBikes Advanced

Designing a course requires professionals, topic experts, and a deep understanding of students’ needs. The long and short of it – course design takes time. Therefore, we are creating a series of articles on how select Smartsims clients employ business simulations to engage their students. This article follows Professor Darl Kolb of the University of … Continue reading How to Design a Business Course around MikesBikes Advanced

Thumbnail of video showing Darl Kolb talking about why he loves smartsims

Why Instructors Love Smartsims

Course instructors love Smartsims Business Simulations because they: Brings business terms, concepts and processes to life Students are actively engaged Complements course content It’s an exciting and rewarding teaching experience Applicability to the real world “Best experience of my university career” Detailed, interactive and easy-to-use interface Smartsims support through every step Smartsims are a pioneer … Continue reading Why Instructors Love Smartsims